The seventh season of the Kannada-language Bigg Boss reality television series debuted on October 13, 2019. Sudeep made a reappearance as the show’s sixth host. Eighteen candidates made their Bigg Boss House entrance on Day 1. This season of Bigg Boss Kannada is the second longest in the show’s history due to its popularity and the number of competitors in the house, which led to the show’s extension from its original 98 days to an additional two weeks.
Winner of Bigg Boss Kannada 7
Shine Shetty was victorious from the season based on viewer polls. For the very first moment in Bigg Boss Kannada history, he received a cash reward of 50 lakhs along with an additional 11 lakh from other sponsors, along with a Tata Altroz automobile. The actor, a well-known figure on Kannada television, gained even more notoriety with his appearances in the reality series. His cinematic pursuits and growing his food business are his current priorities.
Contestants of Bigg Boss Kannada 7
Contestant | Profession | Entry Day | Exit Day | Status |
Kuri Prathap | Comedian | Day 1 | Day 112 | Winner |
Priyanka | Actress | Day 1 | Day 112 | Runner-up |
Ravi Belagere | Journalist, Author | Day 1 | Day 21 | Evicted |
Kishan Bilagali | Dancer | Day 1 | Day 112 | 3rd Place |
Chandana | Television Actress | Day 1 | Day 98 | Evicted |
Duniya Rashmi | Actress | Day 1 | Day 84 | Evicted |
Sujatha | Actress, RJ | Day 1 | Day 56 | Evicted |
Vasuki Vaibhav | Musician | Day 1 | Day 112 | 4th Place |
Bhoomi Shetty | Television Actress | Day 1 | Day 112 | 5th Place |
Chandan Achar | Actor | Day 1 | Day 107 | Evicted |
Deepika Das | Television Actress | Day 1 | Day 63 | Evicted |
Gurulinga Swamiji | Religious Figure | Day 1 | Day 28 | Evicted |
Chaitra Kootur | Actress | Day 1 | Day 77 | Evicted |
Shine Shetty | Actor | Day 1 | Day 112 | Winner |
Jai Jagadish | Actor | Day 1 | Day 35 | Evicted |
Raju Thalikote | Actor, Theatre Artist | Day 1 | Day 49 | Evicted |
Harish Raj | Actor, Director | Day 1 | Day 111 | Evicted |
RJ Chaitra Vasudevan | Radio Jockey | Day 1 | Day 84 | Evicted |
Host and Judges of Bigg Boss Kannada 7
Kicccha Sudeep, a well-known Kannada actor remains the host of this show.
Highlights of the Season
- Returning to Colors Kannada for its seventh season, the show reintroduced a ‘all-celebrity’ model.
- Additionally, the time slot was moved from 9:00 to 10:30 p.m. to include a high-definition simulcast on Colors Kannada HD.
- After its initial broadcast, every episode as well as the daily highlights were made available on the Voot platform.
- Exclusive content such as “Deep Agi Nodi” (‘Watch it Deep’), “Bigg Inn,” “Unseen Kathegalu” (‘Unseen Stories’), “Voot Weekly,” and “Voot Fryday” were produced, and voting remained restricted to the Voot platform.
- ‘Voot Fryday’ let the audience to select the participants’ Friday task; ‘Video Vichaara’ allowed the audience to capture and upload a video of themselves expressing their thoughts on the other contestants.
- The eviction episode also saw a shift, with one participant being eliminated on the Sunday program and the remaining two or three being proclaimed the rescued competitors on the Saturday episode.
After seven seasons, Shine Shetty emerged victorious in Bigg Boss Kannada. On October 13, 2019, the show debuted, as eighteen famous participants made their way into the home. Politicians, actors, and TV personalities are among the Bigg Boss Kannada 7 competitors. Other sponsors gave the winner an additional 50 lakhs and 11 lakhs.
Hina Abbasi is Editor and a passionate sports and entertainment content writer at Hina’s expertise spans across a wide range of sports, and interest in many TV shows allowing her to deliver insightful analysis and compelling stories that resonate with readers.