On September 24, 2022, the ninth season of Bigg Boss, an Indian reality television game show in Kannada, debuted. Produced by Endemol Shine India, under the direction of Banijay, it is aired on Colors Kannada and Voot, where Sudeep hosts a live stream every day for the ninth year in a row. The winner, Roopesh Shetty, received a prize of Rs. 50 lakhs. First and second runners-up, Rakesh Adiga and Deepika Uruduga, took home reward money of Rs. 12 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs, respectively.
Winner of Bigg Boss Kannada 9
Indian actor, singer, radio host, and video jockey Roopesh Shetty has primarily worked in the Tulu and Kannada cinema industries. In 2016, Roopesh made his feature film debut in the main role of Danger Zone. Roopesh uploaded a couple Tulu songs to YouTube to launch his career. He was employed at Mangalore 92.7 Big FM as a radio host. This gifted young man from Mangaluru won the ninth season of Bigg Boss Kannada. His silver screen debut was recently released, to great acclaim. After Bigg Boss 9 Kannada, Roopesh Shetty emerged victorious and took home a cheque for Rs. 50 lakhs.
Contestants of Bigg Boss Kannada 9
Contestant Name | Profession | Status | Entry Day | Exit Day |
Arun Sagar | Actor, Art Director | Runner-up | 1 | 98 |
Deepika Das | Actress | 2nd Runner-up | 1 | 98 |
Kiran Yogeshwar | Actress, Model | 3rd Runner-up | 1 | 98 |
Roopesh Shetty | Actor, RJ | Winner | 1 | 98 |
Rakesh Adiga | Actor, Rapper | 4th Runner-up | 1 | 98 |
Neha Gowda | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 91 |
Vinod Gobargala | Actor, Comedian | Evicted | 1 | 84 |
Sanya Iyer | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 77 |
Prashanth Sambargi | Businessman, Activist | Evicted | 1 | 70 |
Rupesh Rajanna | Activist, Journalist | Evicted | 1 | 63 |
Divya Uruduga | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 56 |
Amulya Gowda | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 49 |
Aryavardhan Guruji | Astrologer | Evicted | 1 | 42 |
Anupama Gowda | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 35 |
Rakesh Pruthvi | Singer | Evicted | 1 | 28 |
Geetha Bharathi Bhat | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 21 |
Mayuri Kyatari | Actress | Evicted | 1 | 14 |
Tharun Chandra | Actor | Evicted | 1 | 7 |
Host and Judges of Bigg Boss Kannada 9
Popular kannada actor, Kichha Sudeep, continues to host the Bigg Boss.
Highlights of the Season
- On September 7, 2022, the show’s organizers formally unveiled a teaser featuring the logo. A new teaser with host Sudeep was released on September 15, 2022, confirming the show’s 24 September 2022 debut on Colors Kannada and Voot.
- The show will exclusively feature celebrities who will be joining the house as contestants, adhering to the original format of the reality program. Five past Bigg Boss Kannada contestants, the top four from Bigg Boss OTT (Season 1), and new competitors making their Bigg Boss debuts will be on Bigg Boss Kannada 9. Only the OTT season and Seasons 1,5, 7, and 8 were included.
- The most probable contestants for Bigg Boss Season 9 winner were Roopesh Shetty and Rakesh Adiga.
The program’s grand finale aired on Voot and Colors Kannada on December 30 and 31 at 7:30 p.m. After Rakesh Adiga finished first runner-up, Rupesh R, Deepika, and Divya followed, with Roopesh Shetty winning the prize.
Hina Abbasi is Editor and a passionate sports and entertainment content writer at WinnersMaze.com. Hina’s expertise spans across a wide range of sports, and interest in many TV shows allowing her to deliver insightful analysis and compelling stories that resonate with readers.