How To Clean And Store Baby Formula Dispenser

It is necessary to clean the baby formula dispenser before preparing the formula for the baby. Also, it can be stored at a dedicated place in the right way. Your baby may get ill if formula can’t be store or prepare adequately. Parents should be aware of making formulas and keep their store in a cool place. No doubt, a newborn baby or young one’s requires too much awareness whether that is related to eating, bathing or sleeping. That’s why we come with this post which will guide you step by step.

Baby Formula Dispenser

Cleaning of Dispenser Parts or equipment’s

You will make sure that the dispenser must be clean and sterilized before preparing any baby formula. Here are some of the major steps that you should follow for cleaning dispenser and their parts:

Step1 Before cleaning dispenser parts make sure your hands should be neat and clean. You can clean your hands with soap and sanitiser.

Step2 Let them dry or use a napkin to clean your hands.

Step3 Next, clean and sterilize the surface of the dispenser.

Step4 Clean all bottle parts with warm and soapy water. Throw old feeding items and then clean the outside structure of the dispenser.

Step5 Use bottle brushes to clean all bottle nipples and inside the structure.

Step6 Last, rinse the dispenser parts with cold and clean water.

Disinfection of Dispenser Parts or equipment’s

By using the following steps, you can easily sterilize the equipment of the dispenser:

Step1 After cleaning the dispenser parts placed them into a water jar and covered them with a protected shield.

Step2 Next, on the burner & start boiling them, you will make sure the pan which you can use for rolling the bottle is covered with a protected cap or lid.

Step3 Be sure, no air bubbles got stuck into the equipment.

Step4 lastly, let them leave to make dry, or you can use clean paper or towel for making them dry.

Step5 Store bottle and nipples in a dedicated area where there is no dust and fume can reach.

Types of Baby Formula

There are three types of baby formula – liquid essence, ready-to-use and powdered formula. Before using any baby formula, check their expiry date and manufacturing date. Remember, all formula doesn’t suit your baby tummy. Check all ingredients of formula which is printed on the container. When buying a bottle of formula, make sure that is not damaged from any side. Don’t use well water or tap water directly. So also boil the water, before use to clean the baby formula dispenser.

Sterilization of Water

Here are the few steps to follow for water purifying:

Step1 Fill a big container with water.

Step2 Next, Boil the water for at least one minute.

Step3 Make sure the water should be hot enough when mixing in powdered formula.

Step 4 Mix it well and if you are not sure about the quantity of powered formula then read the whole instruction and contact the family doctor.

How to prepared Powered Formula?

Step1 Clean the container before taking it into use.

Step2 Follow the package instruction and put the right amount of formula.

Step3 Then fill the clean bottle with the accurate amount of sterilized water. (Make sure, the bottle should be BPA- free).

Step4 Check the scoop that came with the powered formula is clean or not. Use only that scoop to measure the formula.

Step5 Although read all instructions step by step, transfer the scoop of baby formula into the bottle with an accurate amount.

Step6 Next, Attach the nipple and cap to the bottle and mix well.

How to prepare liquid Concentrate formula?

Step1 Clean the entire container.

Step2 Open the container and shake well.

Step3 Take the right amount of sterilized water and formula for one use and fill it in a clean bottle.

Step4 Attach all equipment’s ( cap, nipples) to the bottle and mix well.

How to Prepare ready to use formula?

Step1 Clean all the containers.

Step2 Before open the container shake it well.

Step3 For once feeding, pour a limited amount formula into a clean bottle

Step4 Remember, this feeding method doesn’t need any further add on.

Step5 Before shaking the bottle attached the cap and nipple to the bottle.

Tips to Store baby Formula

Regular making formula is good for a baby’s health and growth. But sometimes such circumstances may create and you cannot give preference to breastfeeding. That time formula is an alternative that you can use to feed your baby. If you want to store formula for the upcoming one day, and then make sure it will be made in a clean and sterilizer jar with a lid. You can store the powdered formula for up to 24 hours in the refrigerator. In the case of liquid prepared formula and ready to use formula, you can store it for up to 48 hours.

Does Baby Formula Dispenser require Any Precaution Measures?

Usually, baby formula dispensers don’t require much attention. But, these are used for the baby, and you can’t keep them lying around anywhere. So, it is necessary to store a baby formula dispenser adequately to prevent bugs, bacteria, germs and other insects to be around. Even, babies are curious enough to open the formula dispenser and try to drink out of it. So, always place these essentials far from the reach of your baby.


Following all the tips mentioned above will help you clean and effectively store a baby formula dispenser. A formula dispenser might seem like a fragile essential, but it is intact, and it has excellent durability. Following the perfect method while cleaning will ensure better hygiene in a long run. Meanwhile finding a good quality cabinet to store all the baby essentials is also necessary.

A good alternative to store your baby formula dispenser is by choosing a quality product that offers an easy to store container. Always keep it out of baby’s reach, and if you have any cockroach in the house, clean the dispenser before using. We hope following all the tips will play an important role in getting rid of such common issues.


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