Namak Web Series Cast

“Namak” is a Hindi-language web series that premiered on the Ullu platform on January 6, 2023. Directed by Yogesh Ojha and written by Aamed Kherani, the series delves into the complexities of marital relationships, desire, and societal norms. The narrative centers around Sapna and Amit, a couple whose marriage faces challenges that lead to unexpected and provocative situations.

Main Cast:

Namak Web Series

  • Muskaan Agrawal as Sapna: Muskaan portrays Sapna, a woman trapped in an unfulfilling marriage with Amit. Her character’s journey reflects the struggles of seeking affection and validation, leading her to make choices that challenge societal expectations.
  • Suman Das as Amit: Suman plays Amit, Sapna’s husband, whose neglect and lack of intimacy contribute to the growing distance in their relationship. His portrayal captures the nuances of a man oblivious to his wife’s emotional needs.
  • Anupam Gahoi as Uncle: Anupam embodies the role of an older man who becomes entangled in Sapna’s quest for companionship. His character adds complexity to the narrative, highlighting themes of morality and desire.
  • Lucky Saini as Abhiraj: Lucky portrays Abhiraj, one of the individuals with whom Sapna becomes involved. His character represents the allure of forbidden relationships and the consequences that follow.
  • Jambhekar as Shopkeeper: Jambhekar plays a shopkeeper who becomes a confidant and facilitator in Sapna’s journey, symbolizing the societal enablers of clandestine affairs.

Plot Overview:

“Namak” explores the life of Sapna, a woman yearning for affection in a loveless marriage. As Amit remains indifferent to her emotional and physical needs, Sapna seeks solace outside her marital boundaries, leading to liaisons with multiple men. The series delves into the consequences of her actions, examining themes of infidelity, societal judgment, and the pursuit of personal happiness.

Themes and Reception:

The series addresses the complexities of human relationships, particularly focusing on the dynamics of marriage and the lengths individuals may go to fulfill unmet desires. It challenges traditional notions of fidelity and explores the moral ambiguities associated with seeking love outside societal norms.

Upon its release, “Namak” garnered attention for its bold narrative and portrayal of intimate relationships. The performances, especially by Muskaan Agrawal, were noted for bringing depth to the character of Sapna. The series sparked discussions about the portrayal of women’s desires in Indian web content and the depiction of complex marital issues.


“Namak” is available for streaming on the Ullu app, a platform known for its diverse range of adult-oriented web series. The series is accessible to subscribers and can be viewed in its entirety on the platform.


“Namak” offers a provocative exploration of marital discord and the pursuit of personal fulfillment beyond societal constraints. Through its compelling narrative and strong performances, the series invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of love, desire, and the consequences of stepping outside traditional boundaries.

For audiences interested in drama that delves into the intricacies of human relationships, “Namak” provides a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking, shedding light on the often unspoken challenges within marriages.


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