“Numbari” is a Hindi-language drama web series that premiered on August 30, 2024, exclusively on the Ullu platform. Directed by Raifee, the series delves into the dark underbelly of academic exploitation, highlighting the misuse of authority by a teacher who preys on his students.
Main Cast:
- Ruks Khandagale as Rupali: Ruks Khandagale portrays Rupali, a central character who becomes entangled in the manipulative schemes of her teacher. Khandagale, known for her roles in various web series, brings depth to Rupali’s character, showcasing her vulnerability and resilience.
- Mussarat Ali as Dharmesh: Mussarat Ali plays Dharmesh, the unscrupulous teacher who exploits his position to satisfy his desires. Ali’s portrayal of Dharmesh captures the character’s predatory nature and the facade he maintains within the academic environment.
- Sarika Salunkhe as Disha: Sarika Salunkhe embodies Disha, a fellow student and confidante of Rupali. Salunkhe’s performance adds layers to the narrative, highlighting the camaraderie and challenges faced by students under Dharmesh’s tutelage.
- Chandrima Banerjee as Reeta: Chandrima Banerjee portrays Reeta, another student who becomes a victim of Dharmesh’s exploitation. Banerjee’s depiction reflects the emotional turmoil and conflict experienced by those manipulated by authority figures.
- Ayushi Bhowmick as Wife: Ayushi Bhowmick plays the role of Dharmesh’s wife, providing insight into his personal life and the dichotomy between his public persona and private actions.
Series Overview:
“Numbari” centers on Dharmesh, a biology teacher who leverages his position to exploit female students, promising them better grades in exchange for sexual favors. The narrative unfolds as a group of students, aware of his misconduct, devise a plan to expose him by enlisting a woman to entrap him. The series delves into themes of power dynamics, betrayal, and the quest for justice within an academic setting.
Critical Reception:
Upon its release, “Numbari” garnered attention for its bold portrayal of sensitive issues within educational institutions. Ruks Khandagale’s performance as Rupali was particularly praised for its authenticity and emotional depth. Mussarat Ali’s depiction of Dharmesh was noted for effectively conveying the sinister aspects of his character. The series sparked discussions on the ethical responsibilities of educators and the importance of safeguarding students from exploitation.
Where to Watch:
“Numbari” is available for streaming on the Ullu platform. Viewers can access the series through Ullu’s official website or mobile application. A subscription is required to view the content, and potential viewers should be aware of the mature themes and explicit content presented in the series.
“Numbari” offers a gripping narrative that sheds light on the misuse of authority within educational settings. With compelling performances by Ruks Khandagale, Mussarat Ali, and the supporting cast, the series provides a thought-provoking exploration of exploitation, resistance, and the pursuit of justice. Its unflinching portrayal of sensitive themes serves as a catalyst for conversations about ethical conduct and the protection of vulnerable individuals in positions of lesser power. However, due to its explicit content and mature themes, viewer discretion is advised.
Hina Abbasi is Editor and a passionate sports and entertainment content writer at WinnersMaze.com. Hina’s expertise spans across a wide range of sports, and interest in many TV shows allowing her to deliver insightful analysis and compelling stories that resonate with readers.