“Auction” is an Indian Hindi-language drama web series that premiered in 2019 on the Ullu platform. Directed by Ravindra Gautam, the series delves into the dark and disturbing world of human trafficking, focusing on the exploitation of young women who are sold to the highest bidder. Through its gripping narrative, “Auction” sheds light on the grim realities of this illicit trade, aiming to raise awareness and provoke thought among its viewers.
Main Cast:
1. Preeti Goswami as Rekha: Preeti Goswami portrays Rekha, a central character whose life becomes entangled in the horrifying world of human trafficking. Her performance captures the vulnerability and resilience of a woman caught in dire circumstances.
2. Samiksha Bhatnagar as Shalini: Samiksha Bhatnagar plays Shalini, another victim of the trafficking ring. Her portrayal reflects the emotional and psychological turmoil experienced by those subjected to such exploitation.
3. Shivanya Mehra as Priyal: Shivanya Mehra embodies Priyal, whose character adds depth to the narrative by highlighting the diverse backgrounds and stories of the victims involved.
4. Palash Dutta as Piyush: Palash Dutta takes on the role of Piyush, a character intricately linked to the operations of the trafficking network. His performance provides insight into the complexities and moral ambiguities present within such illicit activities.
5. Jitendra Ahuja as Doctor: Jitendra Ahuja portrays a doctor involved in the trafficking ring, shedding light on the unethical practices and the complicity of certain professionals in perpetuating such crimes.
6. Niharika Chouksey as Mohi: Niharika Chouksey plays Mohi, a young girl whose innocence is shattered by the harsh realities of being trafficked. Her character serves as a poignant reminder of the countless minors affected by this global issue.
7. Viren Singh as Ashok: Viren Singh embodies Ashok, a character whose involvement in the narrative underscores the societal and familial challenges faced by victims and their families.
8. Firoz Master as Arora: Firoz Master plays Arora, adding another layer to the depiction of individuals who facilitate and profit from human trafficking.
9. Karan Mehta as Ramnik: Karan Mehta’s portrayal of Ramnik highlights the demand side of the trafficking industry, emphasizing the moral decay that fuels such exploitation.
10. Shiva Rindani as Prashad: Shiva Rindani takes on the role of Prashad, contributing to the series’ exploration of the various facets and hierarchies within trafficking networks.
Series Overview:
“Auction” offers a stark portrayal of the human trafficking industry, focusing on the auctioning of young women to affluent individuals. The series delves into the operations of trafficking rings, the complicity of various societal members, and the harrowing experiences of the victims. Through its narrative, “Auction” aims to expose the inhumane practices involved and the urgent need for societal intervention and justice.
Critical Reception:
Upon its release, “Auction” garnered attention for its bold subject matter and unflinching depiction of human trafficking. The performances of the cast, particularly Preeti Goswami and Samiksha Bhatnagar, were noted for their authenticity and emotional depth. However, the series also faced criticism for its explicit content and the portrayal of sensitive issues, prompting discussions on the balance between raising awareness and sensationalism.
Where to Watch:
“Auction” is available for streaming on the Ullu platform, accessible through their official website or app. Viewers interested in watching the series should be aware of its mature content and the platform’s subscription requirements.
“Auction” serves as a provocative piece of digital content that brings to light the grim realities of human trafficking. Through its compelling performances and narrative, the series seeks to educate and sensitize viewers to the atrocities faced by countless individuals worldwide. While it may not be suitable for all audiences due to its explicit content, “Auction” contributes to the ongoing discourse on human rights violations and the imperative need for societal change.
Hina Abbasi is Editor and a passionate sports and entertainment content writer at WinnersMaze.com. Hina’s expertise spans across a wide range of sports, and interest in many TV shows allowing her to deliver insightful analysis and compelling stories that resonate with readers.